Thanks...I'll Pass (TGIM)

This video definitely hit home.  It's funny because as a child you always thought of how your life would be when you were older, and by older I mean once you were in your 20's lol.  At that age 20 something seemed so far away, and such a grown-up age, but once you actually reach your 20's you soon realize that you've only just begun this journey called life, and being a "grown-up."  I often get that feeling that I should be so much further along in life with my career and personal life, and as human beings it's all too easy to get caught up in comparing your life and where you are with other people's lives and where they are.  I just try to remember that we all have our own path to take, and even though we think we may be behind, or we think our life could be so much better, we are exactly where we need to be.  All we need is a little bit of ambition, some drive and motivation, and a whole lot of PATIENCE and we'll make it to where we want to be!  If you don't already know about this guy you should definitely check him out on Youtube and get your weekly dose of inspiration from his TGIM videos.


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