How To: Defined twist-out

I've been natural my whole life, but I cut my off into a pixie cut in 2014.  Even being natural my whole life, it was crazy seeing how much the texture of my hair changed once I cut it off and put little to no heat on it.  The most important tip I've learned throughout this entire journey has been to keep my hair saturated during the twist-out (or braid-out) process.  This will help your twist-out come out super defined, retain moisture, and last longer.  Once my hair has been washed and deep conditioned I make sure it is still soaked, then I use the LOC (leave-in conditioner, oil, and curl cream), LOG (leave-in, oil, and gel) , or sometimes even LOGC (leave-in, oil, gel, curl cream) method.  The oil helps add the moisture and the gel or cream, helps to lock it in.  Doing my twist out this way has helped me to produce those super defined results every time!!  Are you a naturalista?  If so leave some tips on how you achieve fabulous twist-out results and what works for you when styling you natural hair!!

Take a look at my process down below, and as always, thank you for visiting my blog!

Instagram:  Neon_frames88

Products Used:
Leave-In:  Taliah Waajid leave-in and co-wash
Oil:  L'Oreal Elvive extraordinary oil (I also use Jamaican Mango & Lime black castor oil)
Gel:  Eco Style, argan oil
Curl gel:  Taliah Waajid, curl sealer


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