"I'm more BLACK than you!"

As you guys know we are going through crazy times.  From Covid-19, to influential celebrities passing, and now to country wide (and international) protest and unrest!  We (the entire world) are going through a shift, a spiritual shift! 

Personally I am excited.  My friends and I always seem to get into these deep conversations about the way life is, and what society views as being normal, and we're always questioning why and how certain things became the norm.  So if you ask me, I wholeheartedly believe that the American system as a whole needs to be overthrown.  Not tweaked and upgraded, just completely torn down and rebuilt into something new in order for us to see a REAL CHANGE.  I also feel like more people, especially BLACK PEOPLE, now more than any other time before, are all getting on one accord.  I am completely here for the whole CANCELED culture, exposing the people and businesses that need to be exposed, and I'm all for ALL BLACK everything and supporting all black businesses over any other.

The time is now for us to come together, but I hate the thing that continues to plague us within the black community.  The COMPETITION between us.  The "I'm better than you" or "I did that before you" mentality that always has to rear it's ugly head.  And this is nothing new, it goes back to slave days.  It's almost like a survival mechanism that is embedded within us that we never quite got rid of.  So even now when we all coming together and becoming more aware of how powerful our BLACKNESS is, some BLACK people still feel the need to belittle or condemn another for not being as BLACK or as "woke" as them or condemn others for not being that or showcasing it sooner.  Read this carefully, YOU ARE MISSING THE WHOLE POINT!  Who cares that they didn't celebrate Juneteenth last year, or they never protested any other time before.  To me that is a good thing.  Now we can physically see more people getting on the same wave.  Why be upset about that or say that people are only doing it for clout or because everyone else is doing it.  If that's what you believe then you should want to make sure that even if it started as that, you can help them understand what they are doing and teach them so they stay on that wave instead of forgetting about it in a few months and going back to the mindset they had before.  The time is now for us to come together, teach each other, learn from one another, and bring back that sense of community.  We have to get away from the competition mentality because we are stronger when we are all winning, not when just some of us are.

I don't want to get too long winded so I'll just leave it at that, but continue to help your brothers and sisters, show love, uplift them, support them, promote them, all that!  That is what we need more than ever right now!  PEACE and LOVE to you all XOXO


  1. After all Trump has done, making it all worse and trying to eliminate the chances for justice for anyone but rich white bigoted billionaires, and even the right to vote, it's hard to disagree.
    Maybe we should start again.
    The American legal system had already been operating as an injustice system, using laws and the courts to extend slavery ever since the 'Emancipation Proclamation'. The combination of wage slavery, prison labour and police departments has been used to supplant slavery - explained well in Ava DuVernay's documentary film '13th' on NetFlix.
    I don't need to remind everyone that the white supremacist administration of Donald Trump has been making everything way, way worse and condones the most violent manifestations of racism.
    I too am glad that people who formerly had their heads in the sand are starting to see for themselves the horrors of black people are being regularly assaulted, maimed, killed, wrongly imprisoned and lynched by police, and that it's been being condoned by our government.
    I will be much more glad if we can purge Trump and his vicious racist ilk from government, strip the police of military weapons, re-train them, make them accountable, and drastically cut the funding of the police and military.
    We need to get that funding to poor people who need food, shelter, healthcare, medicine, and good paying jobs.
    Sorry for leaving such a long comment.
    Peace and love to you as well.

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    1. No need to apologize for the long comment. I loved it! 🙏🏾


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